
1 Peter 5:8-9

Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings.


Ever asked yourself the question, 'Why me?' I think we have all done it, and perhaps we do it a little too quickly and a little too often these days.

The problem is, as Peter points out in this letter, we are not going through anything different or anything worse than what Christians all over the world are facing. We might lament the 'golden years' of the Christian Church (if there ever was such a thing). The times when Christian faith was common between most people in our society. When perhaps not everyone might have gone to church, but no one raised an eyebrow if they knew that you did. When Christian morality and ethics were the basis of most public policy.

You know the only problem with that kind of situation, is that it made easy targets for the roaring lion looking for someone to devour.

In the wake of the September 11 attacks in America, there was an anti-terrorism ad campaign here in Australia with the catch phrase, 'be alert, not alarmed'. It aimed to encourage people to report suspicious behaviour, but not to incite national panic. That's kind of what the Apostle Peter is encouraging in this text. Be alert and aware that we have an enemy who is looking for any opening to 'devour' us, to deceive us and lead us away from our faith and confidence in Christ. Yet in Christ, we do not need to fear or be alarmed because when we are 'in Him' we know that we are already more than conquerors in Christ. The lion might be prowling around, but we are well and truely secured in Jesus, the lion proof safari vehicle.

Christians, be alert but not alarmed. Stand firm in your faith and know that your not experiencing anything more or less than other Christians at any other point in history. God got them through their trials, he will also get you through yours.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you that you have given us your son Jesus to be our victory and assurance in the face of difficult times and circumstances. Thank you for the reminder that when I feel attacked because of my faith, that I am only experiencing what countless other Christians have faced before me, and that just as you delivered them, you will also deliver me. Amen

Today's devotion written by Mathew von Stanke, LifeWay Newcastle


John 17:15

My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one.


John 17 is one of my favourite passages of all scripture. Here we have Jesus, only hours before he is handed over to be put on trial and crucified and he is praying. Not for himself mind you (although we know from the other gospel accounts that he did this too). He's praying for his disciples and for those who would believe in him because of their witness and testimony. That means Jesus was praying for you and me. In the hours before he was betrayed, he was thinking of you and praying that God would protect you. Isn't that an incredible thought!!!

Jesus didn't pray that God would just suddenly whisk all the faithful people off into heaven to be with him in heaven. He probably could have, but he was thinking about you and me, those who were still to come who needed someone to stay behind and pass on the good news. However, right there at that point in time, just hours before his arrest and crucifixion, Jesus knew like no one else before him, the spiritual battle that would be in front of those who followed him and so he prayed that God would protect you from the evil one.

And God has protected you. He has given you the righteousness of Christ. He has included you in the victory of Christ. He has made you co-heirs with Christ in His kingdom. The other reading from this week from Ephesians 6, tells us everything God has given us to protect us from the plans and attacks of the evil one. All we have to do to stay protected is to remain in Christ. Let you whole life, even the bits you usually try to hide from God, let it all come under the authority and reign of Jesus and that's it, 100% enemy protection.

The problem is usually that we don't like to let Jesus have full control. So what are you holding back from Jesus? What is it that is so messed up in your life that you are not prepared to trust it to the person who, facing his own death, was thinking of and praying for you?

PRAYER: Lord Jesus, you are the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Help me to bring all of my life under your authority so that in all things I might glorify you and share in your victory over the evil one. Amen

Today's devotion written by Mathew von Stanke, LifeWay Newcastle


Ephesians 6:10-11

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armour of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.


Strength. It's something that people define differently. Of course there is physical strength but there is also emotional strength, strength of conviction, strength of faith, etc.

The biggest problem for Christians is learning that we are strongest when we are in Christ. In our verse today, St Paul encourages the Christians in Ephesus, to be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. He acknowledges that we do face a spiritual battle every day and it is a battle we are called to take a stand in. But we can only make our stand if we are strengthened and protected by the gifts which we have in Christ Jesus.

We have his righteousness in place of our guilt, to guard our hearts from the accusations of the accuser. We have the belt of truth, to help us see through the deceptions of the deceiver. We have the gospel of peace to bring us comfort in the face of despair; and weapon the enemy has to throw against us has its counter in Christ, in whose strength and power we stand.

Your job in the spiritual battle it not to 'Rambo' it and go out as a solo mercenary with guns blazing. Rather it is more like the role of a sentry after the victory has been won, standing guard against any last minute surprise attacks. If you spot the enemy, then call on the name of the Lord, in whose strength you will be able to stand.


 Lord Jesus, thank you that we get to share in your victory. Thank you that we stand before the Father clothed in your righteousness, that we have the peace that comes from your good news and that in the face of the spiritual battle around us, all we have to do is make our stand in you and know that you have placed all things under your feet. Amen

Today's devotion written by Mathew von Stanke, LifeWay Newcastle


Psalm 62:5-6

Yes, my soul, find rest in God;

my hope comes from him.

Truly he is my rock and my salvation;

he is my fortress, I will not be shaken.


One of the greatest inventions, I think, has to be noise cancelling headphones!! They mute life's soundtrack, helping you block out distractions around you, enabling you to focus, relax and restore some peace and tranquility into your life. And don't we need it.

Our live are bombarded by constant noise; adverts, television, influencers, lobbyists are turning up the volume in an attempt to get our attention, our energy, our resources. We are surrounded by notification dings that demand an immediate response, distracting us from the task at hand so things take longer to do which eats into the limited time available in our lives anyway.

God is your noise-cancelling headphones when the worries of life crash in on you, when they occupy all the airspace you have, all the ability you have to think, when they are there first thing in the morning, and last thing at night. Amid the cacophony of these worries yelling and screaming in your hearts and minds, God is your fortress. Behind the thick walls of his presence, is a fortress that blocks out the noise, the attacks, the demands, allowing you to rest, be restored and renewed to face the onslaught beyond the walls. In God's presence, the noise is cancelled and muted giving clarity to hear what is most needed - that he is your rock, he is your hope, he will not let you be overcome for his peace with guard your hearts and minds forever.

How are you building time each day, to put on the noise-cancelling headphones of God, so you can listen to him alone?


God, when the noise of this world, overwhelms, give me ears to hear your voice alone, for your words are healing and life to me, and in your presence I find peace.. Amen.


Jeremian 17:7-8

“But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord,

whose confidence is in him.

They will be like a tree planted by the water

that sends out its roots by the stream.

It does not fear when heat comes;

its leaves are always green.

It has no worries in a year of drought

and never fails to bear fruit


This is a real conversation I had with a person this week. "In ten years of business, I had never been through this before, and the pressure got to me. I had no answers and I couldn't cope and went through a time of real depression. And the result of this was that I let a lot of my clients down, including you."

It was a hard admission for this person to make but one that many are familiar with. When we trust in our own resources, there comes a time when our reserves are depleted, our strength is gone, and there is nothing left to give. It becomes a downward spiral that can be hard to get out of. But Jeremiah reminds us that when you put your trust in God, there is an abundance of resources that enable us to thrive, even in the midst of the most challenging times. Those who are centred in the Lord, who draw their strength from the Lord and trust in him, are able to remain strong and vibrant, to find the strength to endure and persevere, even in the face of adversity. But it doesn't stop there. The tree is able to bear fruit even in drought. When we draw from the endless supply of God's grace, we are able to make a positive impact on the world around us, providing nourishment and sustenance to others. As the Psalmist reminds us, 'My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. -Psalm 73:26.

Where do you need to trust and put your confidence in the Lord today?


God, in all I face today, be the strength of my heart. Amen.


Colossians 3:23-24

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.


What gets you out of bed each morning? To be a good role model for your children? Curiosity - you are eager to learn something new each day? A passion for helping others? A desire to shape and influence the lives of others? Necessity - there are bills to be paid and mouths to be filled? Or maybe what gets you out of bed is fear - fear of missing out on something or fear of letting someone down.

What gets you out of bed each morning is a question of motivation. Paul addresses this question of motivation in the reading today. He tells the people to work hard - to put all their effort into what you are doing. Why? So that they would get a promotion? So that they would make a lot of money? No! There is a different motivation in play here. It's that we see whatever we are doing as part of our service to God, a response to what Christ has done for us and given to us. What's interesting is to who Paul writes this. In verse 22 Paul is addressing the slaves in households, whose very title means they work for someone else. But Paul tells them that their relationship to Jesus Christ, their transformed life in him becomes a new motivation for why they get out of bed in the morning. Because they have a new employer, God himself!

When I was ordained as a pastor, I was set apart for the holy things of God. The Church was saying that it recognised that God, had called me to, gifted and prepared me for vocational pastoral ministry. What I love about these verses is that Paul is saying that your baptism has ordained you, set you apart, gifted and prepared you for that work you are doing now. That God is at work in whatever you are doing to reveal his presence in this world. So as you get out of bed this morning, as you head into your day, will you remind yourself that you are an ordained bus driver, an ordained stay at home parent, an ordained teacher, an ordained business owner, an ordained grandparent, an ordained lecturer, an ordained secretary, an ordained ________ (insert your own occupation). As you go about your day, remember God is your employer so let working for him be your motivation. May your actions and your effort be inspired by who you work for. May you make Christ look good in this world.


God, thank you for ordaining me and taking a chance on me and qualifying me for work in your kingdom. Strengthen me by your Spirit, that all I do today, may reflect well on you as my boss, my Lord, and my Saviour. Amen.


Proverbs 29:25

Fearing people is a dangerous trap,

but trusting the Lord means safety.


It was a piece of advice that was given to me early in ministry. "If people are happy with what you are doing a majority of the time, you are probably not challenging them beyond their comfort zone". Anyone who has led even the smallest of groups or even a family unit will know the truth of that. The moment that you push a group or an organization out of what is comfortable and familiar, the moment you challenge the status quo of people, the moment you pull the plug on a ministry that is no longer serving its original purpose, say 'no' to an opportunity that lies outside the core values or put up boundaries that seemingly limit the 'freedom' of your child, you are bound to get a reaction. It's a reaction that can range from mild annoyance or irritation to anonymous letters, unparalleled anger or even threats or abuse in its various forms. But making the tough calls is part of life and leadership.

Not every one will agree with the choices made, not everyone will be happy with the direction pursued, not everyone will cope well when their worldview is stretched. That's what stops many people even venturing down that road. For making the tough call and possibly hurting someone else's feelings sets us on a collision path with others where friendships can be destroyed and relationships fractured. Our fear of rejection, our concern of how we will be perceived, our propensity to want to please others can paralyze us into inaction because of the offense that may be caused. It can also lead us to compromise the very values we believe in or know is right.

That's a dangerous trap that causes great harm. Trust in Jesus not only anchors our life, but centres and aligns our heart in the identity he gives to us and the purpose he has for us. In him, we find peace and in his presence we find a security that guards and protects our life. May you experience that today.


Forgive me, gracious Lord, when I am more worried about what others will think of me, that celebrating who you have called me as your precious child. Speak that truth again in the times when I feel the pressure to please others. Amen.


Galatians 1:10.

Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.


What drives you in life? What motivates you? Who are you living for? We all live for something. That's what is at the heart of the reading today. We have a two year border collie who is motivated by affection. He will move from person to person to get hugs, scratches and pats. If you ignore him, he will push his nose into you until you wrap your hand around his snout and give him a good scratch on the nose. He lives for the love and affection of people.

Paul points to what many people live for today - pleasing others. That the choices made and the behaviour seen is motivated by a desire to win the approval of people whose opinion we care about. Who is it for you? A parent? A spouse? A teacher? A person you want to be noticed by? Paul in this first chapter of Galatians shows how subtly this approach to living can take us away from the good news of Jesus, the Gospel. Our desire to please others becomes the focus of our life which takes our focus off of Jesus and the freedom that he gives.

You already have the approval of the one whose opinion we should most care about. God. He loves you and delights in you, not because of your achievements, not because of anything you have done or not done, but simply because he loves you. When you live in that reality, it takes the pressure off. You don't have to run like our border collie from one person to the next to find validation and approval, you have it every second of every day. That's grace...and that God's gift for living. Receive it.


God of grace, thank you that because of your son Jesus, I live with your approval. Give me your Spirit that I may live today in a way that brings honour to your name. Amen.


Matthew 11:28.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.


As you start the week, how are you feeling? Eager to launch into the week? Ready to embrace what this week throws at you? Or tired and you haven't even got out of bed yet? Life is exhausting. The demands. The expectations. The responsibilities. Sometimes it seems that life is like a giant version of Tetris, as we try to arrange, rearrange, manipulate, make space and attempt to fit all the pieces together into a cohesive whole. Sometimes we manage ok, but we never know which piece is next, and as we struggle to find where it fits, the next unexpected piece comes and then another and it can leave us overwhelmed.

Jesus, never expected us to do life on our own. He knows that we cannot bear the burden of expectations and demands required of us. That's why he entered this world, to take on the burden of responsibilities, to fulfil the weight of demands, and to be crushed by the expectations of humankind, so that we might know freedom and joy. God promises Jeremiah and us, I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint. Jeremiah 31:25.

Jesus invites us as we start this week, and with all that lies ahead, to rest in him, find refreshment in him and in his presence receive all we need to focus on one piece at a time, knowing that whatever comes next, he will be us, lifting the burden and making the canvas of our life complete.


Good morning Lord, there is nothing that can happen to me today or this week that is bigger than you. Give me your grace to step into the challenges and expectations of this week, letting you carry the weight of expectation that I can never carry. Amen.
