For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
Earlier, this chapter talks about God’s promise of us resting in him. It is the same promise he gave the Israelites in the wilderness but it didn’t do them one iota of good because they lacked faith.
I think that today the biggest threat to our faith is not the hostility of our non-Christian neighbour, not the loss of status or financial security or even physical safety, it is the possibility that we may cease responding to God’s call, stop living our lives in a God-pleasing way and run the risk of not receiving God’s rest.
There are few people I share my deepest fears and concerns with, and I am somewhat inhibited in sharing the highs of my life, but God knows it all. The Hebrews writer likens God’s knowledge of me like a sword sharpened on both sides, it cuts through my very being and my every thought and desire is on display. A surgeon’s scalpel is very sharp but it can only cut through skin and tissue, he needs a saw to open the bone, I find it a bit un-nerving to realise how open my life is before God, but unlike the surgeon who looks for a fault or disease God will only see Jesus. God will cut away the pieces that are marring that view of Christ in me when I remain rooted in his word, and like a tree planted beside a stream, I will flourish and bear fruit and be able to set an example of how to repel all that would harm my relationship with Jesus.
Prayer: Almighty God who promises rest, help me discern the ways of those who would have me deny you. Forgive me for the times I have been tempted to listen to them. I thank you for all those who have instructed me in your word and that have helped me discern your will and path for me. May that path set me beside the stream of living water where I can sink my roots and grow firm and remain in you. Amen
Today's devotion written by Maureen Macpherson, LifeWay Newcastle
The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul. The statutes of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple. The precepts of the Lord are right, giving joy to the heart. The commands of the Lord are radiant, giving light to the eyes.
I had an urge to sing these verses and indeed David had directed them to the Director of Music, he had found great reasons to praise God. He had no Bible to refer to but had all the records of statutes and laws God gave to the Israelites to learn about and understand God’s greatness. When we understand God’s completeness we find our lives are drawn together and our souls refreshed, his plans are trustworthy and set in a way that is simple to follow. David says the maps for our lives are designed to bring us joy, God’s directions are plain and enlighten us.
In the world today we see many rapid changes and many do affect our lives; but we also have our own personal battles and these things have the power to drain us of joy, create a bleak outlook of the future, and at times, even a loss of hope. These are the times to remain secure in God’s law, statutes, precepts and commands, they were made to bring peace and joy and understanding where God is, in the bad times as well as the good.
PRAYER: I thank you Almighty God that you have given King David the gift to write about you and how your Word is complete and trustworthy, I can navigate the storms in this life using your word as my compass. Amen
Today's devotion written by Maureen Macpherson, LifeWay Newcastle
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path
I learned this text very early from the memory texts we were given at Sunday school. We learned the text and where it was written but no-one ever explained it. Regardless, I have always found these words comforting. I think it is because as a young girl, my dad would light a candle that I would use to light my way down a long, draughty passageway to my bedroom. Sometimes the candle would flicker but I was sure if it went out, God would get me safely to my room. It was a time of trust and happiness knowing Jesus walked with me, and the memory remains with me.
The light to our feet is God’s word, it is the teaching we need so that we learn God’s word and commandments and remain rooted in them. You could say they are guidelines to help us live better and more righteous lives and to help us navigate the complexities we face each day. As we walk daily learning, trusting, and obeying God, we also show a path to others to help them face loss, despair, confusion and the myriads of things that destroy hope, happiness, and joy in life.
We need the strength that trusting in God’s teachings gives us to reject the words and writings of those who try to undermine and destroy our trust and faith in God. Without this strength and knowledge, we would be groping around in the darkness with a very big chance of losing the path. The path which Jesus walks with us to our final home of peace, free of all worries and cares.
Prayer: Take thou my hand and lead me o’er life’s rough way. With heavenly manna feed me from day to day. Without thy grace and favour I go astray. Take thou my hand O Saviour choose thou my way. Amen. (Lutheran Hymnal no 301)
Today's devotion written by Maureen Macpherson, LifeWay Newcastle
So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught and overflowing with thankfulness.
The history of Colossians provides interesting reading. Paul preached in Ephesus for three years and a man named Epaphras had been converted and carried the gospel to the Colossians [col 1:7-8, Acts 19:10]. News that there was heresy among the Colossians reached Paul while he was under house arrest in Rome and that was when he wrote this letter to refute the heresy and to exalt Christ as the very image of God.
Yesterday’s devotion showed that change can bring dangers that threaten our relationship with God, todays speak how changes can be weathered through our faith as believers and our intimate, spiritual, living union with Christ, being rooted in him.
Changes in our life can also be unsettling, causing us to question “Why me, God?” When we lose a job or a loved one, when illness or disability or natural disasters strike, our lives and lifestyle are inevitably altered, giving those who refute God’s existence opportunity to try and change us. To make us doubt our faith and question God’s very existence.
God’s Word, his love and grace, his forgiveness of our sins through the life, suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus, is completely adequate as we face these changes, anything else is the emptiness of human philosophy. Through these things we become closer to God by seeking his will for us in prayer, and study of and understanding his Word. As we do, we ourselves, undergo change and are more able to deal with the challenges life brings. We begin to live a lifestyle that honors God and find new strength and purpose as we become ‘more rooted in him’. We find a freedom and joy as we face each day, whatever it brings. Spontaneous songs of praise come from our lips because we are God’s chosen children and he loves us.
PRAYER: I give You thanks and praise, Lord, because I have your word to encourage and sustain me through the changes of my life. I have strength because my life is in Jesus. May I always live and remain rooted in him so that my faith always remain strong and steadfast. Amen
Today's devotion written by Maureen Macpherson, LifeWay Newcastle
Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. But his delight is in the law of the Lord and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers.
In a recent conversation with my thirteen-year-old grandson, he expressed his concern for wild life, vegetation, pets, and treasures lost in the devastating fires in California. Then asked me, “When you were my age Grandma, how did you feel when you saw such tragedies on the news?” When I was his age, we certainly didn't know about what was happening in America on that sam day. I am sure you can imagine the discussion that followed; he was left wondering how I survived without such up-to-date information, and I was thinking it wasn’t winds that blew change through technology - it was a gale.
Indeed, the benefits are great, but there are those who see opportunities to use technology to their personal advantage, to discredit, destroy, or rob innocent users of services, these are the people listed in the Psalm today. Much hate, ridicule, and defiance of God’s law is directed towards Christians. We can protect ourselves online by using strong passwords and multi authentication tools in every day life, but to cling to God’s word, to be rooted in it is the only way to protect ourselves and repel these attitudes and attacks.
In verse one of today’s Psalm, we are warned of the dangers of associating with such people, but we have blessedness, happiness when we revere God’s Word, and pay no heed to those who wish to influence us. Verse two tells us what to do instead. We should continually meditate on God’s law, seeking guidance through his word rather than listening to those who wish to mislead us. These people are very clever, often using words and ideas that on the surface look okay; this is a good time to recall 1 Peter 5:8 which tells us to be alert because the devil prowls like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.
Finally, verse three is one of praise. When we dwell on and follow God’s law, we will flourish and withstand all the winds that batter us. We will be a blessing, just as a healthy tree gives blessings to man and birds with its unfailing fruit and shade. We will not wither, unlike the plans of the wicked that are doomed to eventual failure.
PRAYER: God of Wisdom, I give you thanks and praise for your word that instructs me and guides me when the gales of life batter me. Strengthen me as I dwell on your law and word so that I am able to reject those who deny you, who teach false doctrine, trying to undermine my faith in you. I pray that I may flourish and bless others just as a healthy tree growing beside a stream is able to send down deep roots and is a blessing to all that is around it. Amen
Today's devotion written by Maureen Macpherson, LifeWay Newcastle
And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever— the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.
Have you ever been somewhere that it was clear you did not belong?
I remember the first time I was invited to play golf with some friends. I had never really played golf before but figured it couldn't be that hard, so I accepted the invitation, borrowed a set of clubs, and headed out to the local golf course.
As you might imagine, it was not long before it became obvious that I did not really belong on the golf course and didn't really know what it was was doing. Initially, my friends helped me out with suggestions and tips to improve my swing. Some of it helped, much of it didn't. My ineptitude wasn't really a problem though until later in the day when the course began to fill up. Other groups of golfers often became frustrated at our group (but really just me) because it could take us a lot longer to finish a hole and they would be stuck waiting behind us.
My friends who knew golf etiquette, invited many of them to 'play through' and so we ended up waiting and watching a lot of other people play in front of us, grumbling and moaning about the 'young people' who were ruining their golf experience.
Sometimes accepting the Holy Spirit's invitation to walk with him through life is like that. The people around you don't like you bringing the Holy Spirit into their space. Anyone who has been a Christian for long enough will undoubtedly will have either been accused of a 'holier that thou' attitude, or of being a 'kill joy' because you might be audacious enough to suggest that some kinds of 'fun' might not actually be good for you.
These days, I'm still a long way from being a good golfer, but I'd like to think I'd not hold people up too much and they might be more accepting of my presence on the course. If we are gentle and persistent, others who initially reject us because of our faith, might also come to see and accept us because of the love and patience and 'Fruits of the Spirit' they encounter in us as the Holy Spirit helps us to bring the Love of Jesus to life for them.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you for the gift of Holy Spirit, your presence with me to help and guide me. I know that often the world does not recognise or acknowledge you and can be antagonistic towards your followers. Please help me not to be a reason people reject you, but let my life instead be something that draws people to you. Amen
Today's devotion written by Mathew von Stanke, LifeWay Newcastle
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.
I grew up in South West Victoria, in a region that has a few defining industries, forestry, fishing, and aluminium smelting to name a few but it was, and still is, predominantly driven by agriculture. There is one Lutheran high school in the area, it was a one hour bus ride from my house and it is where my parents sent me to school. It was actually a great school, I'm certainly not complaining, but one of the specialty subjects of this school was Agricultural Science.
I was amazed when it came to learning about orchards, fruit trees, and the process of 'grafting'. For those unfamiliar with the process it simply involves taking a branch or cutting from one tree, inserting that branch into a small incision in the trunk of another tree, binding the area around the incision to guard the tree from infection and insect infestation and, if the process goes well, the branch is integrated into the host tree. That's an overly simplified explanation of the process, but the cool thing about it is, provided that you stay within closely related fruit families, you can graft a pear tree branch to an apple tree, and end up with a tree bearing both apples and pears. Perhaps you prefer stone fruit, then try grafting a branch from a nectarine tree onto a peach tree. Perhaps citrus is your thing, why not go for an orange tree that will also produce lemons, limes, and grapefruit?!
In many ways, this is a good way to think about fruits of the Spirit. On our own we are not very good at producing any of these things. And yet, God the gardener does this amazing thing where he unites us with His Holy Spirit which taps into our capacity to bear good fruit and helps us to do exactly that. We can strive all we like to be more loving, have more joy, be at peace and so on, but without being grafted with the Holy Spirit, we just don't have it in us.
Discipline and practice are important and worthy pursuits, but growth only comes are we remain in Jesus the vine, apart from him, we can do nothing.
PRAYER: Jesus, you are the vine and I am only a branch, I cannot live without being connected completely to you. Help me and my life to bear fruit for your kingdom and when I find that I have grafted myself to things that are not you, draw me back to you by your Holy Spirit and graft me back into your light and life. Amen
Today's devotion written by Mathew von Stanke, LifeWay Newcastle
For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God.
We are currently serving as 'dog sitters' for friends of ours. They have a lovely dog, a beagle named Holly. Looking after Holly is a joy, and if I'm honest, dog sitting Holly also gets my family off my back for a while about getting a dog of our own, so it is a 'win-win' situation for everyone.
However, it got me thinking about the text for today. My family almost always had a dog when I was growing up and walking the dog was a regular family activity. I always wondered why our dog would always want to race ahead and often pull on the leash. It seemed to me that it couldn't be very comfortable. Now our dog was generally a quiet and well trained dog (and so is Holly) but bring out the leash and the energy bubbles to the surface and excitement visibly builds until you open the front door and head outside and they take off. Hundreds of new scents to sniff, expanded territory to claim, neighbourhood cats to bark at, there is just so much for a dog to do on a walk and they want to do everything all at once. It's the leash that keeps them from running off, and when they do, it's the leash that reigns them back in. A walk means freedom, but freedom within limits.
It made me think about being led by the Holy Spirit. Sometimes I want to race ahead of God and get things done in my time rather than his. This has never worked out well in my life and usually leads to some pretty uncomfortable situations, just like a dog straining against the leash pulling it's collar tight against its neck. At other times I can be like a dog who has found an interesting smell and simply does not want to continue walking where its owner is leading, this too leads to an uncomfortable but gentle 'tug' on the leash.
The best walks, for both pet and owner, are when the dog walks in step with the owner, right along side them where there is no tension on the leash, just a secure connection to the one who sets the pace and has marked out the path which is to be walked. Walking in the Spirit is having that secure connection to God as he leads us through our walk through this life and into the eternal life he won for us through Christ.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you that you do not allow me to run off completely without having a means to call me back to yourself. Forgive me for the times I do run off and want to do things my way or get distracted by the world around me. Help me, by your Holy Spirit to walk more in step with you. Amen
Today's devotion written by Mathew von Stanke, LifeWay Newcastle
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.
These are great words to open up the story of the book of Acts. If you have never read it all the way through before, I highly recommend it. It is basically the story of exactly how the Holy Spirit came upon Jesus disciples and some of the other early Christians to empower them exactly as Jesus had said he would, to be a powerful witness to the life, death and resurrection of Jesus in all the ends of the earth.
So what now? It would seem the job is not done yet - so where are the powerful acts of the Holy Spirit who has come upon us as a gift of God in our baptism, to empower us to live for him and bear witness to Jesus in all the world?
Look closely at the stories in the book of Acts and you will see that in almost every act or demonstration of the Holy Spirit's power, there is a person acting in obedient faith, trusting that they have heard the prompting of the Spirit and responding to that prompt, trusting that God would show up and make himself known in the situation.
The Holy Spirit is still here prompting God's people to the tasks he has prepared in advance for us to do. The job of bearing witness to Jesus through all the world. Maybe the reason we do not see so many 'demonstrations of the spirit' is because we have stopped doing the work he was sent to empower us to do?
PRAYER: Holy Spirit, please help me to grow in faith and trust that you can use me to draw people to Jesus. Please help me to see the ways that you use me each day to bear witness to Jesus in the things I do and the words I say. Amen
Today's devotion written by Mathew von Stanke, LifeWay Newcastle.