Deep Life

29 March, 2020 Pastor Mark Schultz

Fear. Panic. Job losses. Uncertainty. Lives shutdown, freedoms curtailed. The global reach of COVID-19 and the societal and economical shutdowns it is triggering, is a disaster with no modern parallels. The sustained public pain is widespread. Wherever you go, whatever media you listen to or watch, there is no escaping this pandemic which is touching everyone, everywhere and will do so for a very long time. In the midst of life, we are certainly in death. We can smell it. Death. That’s the reality we all face. The death rate for every community is the same: one per person and 100%.There are no shortcuts around it, no opting out of it. It will confront each of us one day, at a time unknown. But Jesus offers us a DEEP LIFE where death doesn’t have the last word; where resurrection and life forever is real and available to all. And what is more, today Jesus invites us to be part of the miracle of bringing deep life to a world in need of hope like never before.

#6 and final in series: Deep Cycle

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Then Jesus said, “Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?” So they took away the stone. John 11:40-41a


God loves you so much that he lets nothing stand between you and his life-giving powerful love…not yesterday, not today, not tomorrow, not ever. God is not finished bringing deep life to this world that is wrapped in death. You are his instruments of resurrection life, grace, and power here and now.


1. Fill in the blank. Life is________!

2. What is it you want Jesus to come and see and resurrect in your life today?


Deep Intimacy

22 March, 2020 Pastor Mark Schultz

Reality television is on the rise. Australians are living vicariously through the experiences of the reality TV stars – from the safety of our own homes. Living vicariously is safe - we don't have to risk our own heart or our own reputation - but it's not real. The network stations have latched on to Australian's deep desire or deep deficiency in our lives, namely we are always looking for more. We live dehydrated lives where we are thirsting for something more, something different, but we always keep returning to the same wells hoping our thirst will be quenched. What is your well? Food? Marriage? Children? Perfectionism? Isolation? Withdrawal? Power and Control? Addiction? Busyness? Denial? Have you spent too long drinking at a well that will never satisfy? There is another well, one that promises life, one by which we are known and loved. Jesus invites you today to drink deeply from his well and be completely satisfied. It's an encounter that will transform your life, as you discover the deep intimacy that comes from being loved, seen, accepted, included, forgiven and known.


“We no longer believe just because of what you said; now we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this man really is the Saviour of the world.” John 4:42


Intimacy = in-to-me-see.

Your thirst will never be quenched by the external wells of life. Only by Jesus.

Jesus Christ encounters us at our dry well and invites us to drink deeply from the well of his life and love. That's a vicarious living that will deeply satisfy. For to be known by Jesus is to be loved and to be loved is to be known.


Deep Vision - Epping

15 March, 2020 Pastor Mark Schultz

"There are none are so blind as those who will not see." It's more than just a proverb. It's a vision impairment that confront many. Blindness is not about the quality of our vision or the condition of our eyes. How we see others, what we see in the world, the way we see life is less about the objects of our seeing and more about ourselves. It's a reflection of the fears, attachments and beliefs that we hold onto tightly and which we project onto the world.. Today Jesus wants us to confront our own blindness and own myopic and selective vision in order to see a large reality and live with a deep vision that comes from him. It's a vision that opens up a totally new perspective and way of life for us.

#3 in series: Deep Cycle - Epping Campus


One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see! John 9:25


When you have defined yourself or others in terms of tragedy, challenge or limitation, or let others define you in that way, know this: the mud of darkness will always give way to the light of Christ. Let his grace not only give you clarity of vision but confidence to step into the open future he gives.


1. When have you ever felt isolated or abandoned?

2. When it comes to Jesus, how would you fill in the blank? “All I know is ___________”


Deep Wisdom

8 March, 2020 Pastor Mark Schultz

We live in a fast changing world, where the need to retrain or upskill is becoming a constant reality. That is what makes Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) so important for many. RPL is a way of getting any previous relevant knowledge, experience or wisdom formally recognised towards a new qualification. It short cuts the process. It gives credit for knowledge already held. When it comes to salvation, many people wish they could receive RPL - that their religiosity, their charitable works, their goodness or knowledge of God would give them or earn them some credit points. Jesus rejects any application for RPL. You have to start over, begin anew and discover the Deep Wisdom that comes as the Spirit leads us in the way and life of Jesus. It's a life that engages our passions, sparks our imaginations and satisfies our deepest yearnings for more. May you find that deep wisdom today.

#3 in series: Deep Cycle


For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. John 3:16-17


Deep Wisdom is simply this: Let God be God to you.


1. If there is one question you would like to know the answer to from God or about God, what would it be?

2. How have you experience the love of God for you over this past week?


Deep Threat

1 March, 2020 Pastor Mark Schultz

Deep Threat. Sudden Impact. Clear and Present Danger, War Games, True Lies, ISIS: Rise of Terror, The Sum of All Fears. They may just be movie titles but they point to the underlying threats that lie beneath the surface of our lives. Add the current threat of Coronavirus to the threats of bushfires, drought, losing homes, financial insecurity and it is easy to see why people are burdened with fear, anxiety or helplessness. But the real threat that we constantly face is a daily encounter with the evil one and the temptation that he strategically places before us. to shift our allegiance, trust & confidence away from God to some immediately available substitute that promises more now…to meet a real need the wrong way…the results of which are always the same - a heart either burdened by guilt & filled with pain, or so hardened by sin that it refuses to acknowledge the brokenness that exists or the pain that follows. Rather than run in fear or feel anxious about it, today Jesus shows us how to face the Deep Threat of temptation head on, and to come out of it with a clear sense of identity, and with a purpose, power and authority to engage the world.

#2 in series: Deep Cycle


Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. Matthew 4:1


Every day the very first threat we face is an attempt to undermine our identity. To counter that threat, return to the wilderness to remember whose we are, and who we are.


1. In your opinion what is the greatest thrreat that exists in the world today?

2. What is the greatest threat in your life to your relationship with God and how do you deal with that risk?


Cleared for Take Off

23 February, 2020 Pastor Mark Schultz

You are sitting at the end of the runway. Your seat belt is done up tightly, your personal items secured. It’s about to happen. The engine power increases. Do you close your eyes? Grab the seat rest or the person next to you? Look out the window? Say a prayer? The plane is cleared for take-off. It’s time to go. As full take off power is applied, the aircraft on which you are seated begins hurtling down the runway, and with a small bump, you leave the ground, are airborne, and the adventure begins. Today Jesus clears us for take-off. It’s time to go, to begin this next stage of the adventure, to get airborne as a Church and fly; to go beyond the limits of what we consider possible and see how far his love takes us! The control tower has given the all clear for take-off. So go, with the full power of the Spirit and let’s leave the ground and fly!

# 4 and final in Vision Series: Take Off


Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20


Don't discard the "Go" of Jesus' commission! It's a call that requires simple obedience. We are made to be like Jesus, to do what Jesus did and participate in his mission to the world. It's time to go!


1. What do you do when the plane is about to take off down the runway and get airborne?

2. How willing are you to go and participate in God's mission to the world? What stops you from going?

3. What limits do you place on yourself that stops you being bold for Jesus?


Finding the Right Gate

16 February, 2020 Pastor Mark Schultz

It's that moment that you take a deep breath and slowly walk through the narrow door that will lead you to another world on the airside of the airport. The security screening process. Even if you are all prepared, there is still that moment as you wonder whether you will get through without beeping, pick up your hand luggage or carry on without anything being detected or an explosive test being conducted! But get through that and the possibilities are endless. From shops, to bars, to food courts, to prayer rooms, to airline clubs, there are so many things to help you prepare and get ready to board your flight or to distract you from getting to your gate!! But gates there are…plenty of them in an international terminal or city airport…gates which lead to exciting journeys and new places. Today Jesus speaks of security screening, of safety and fullness of life on the airside of grace as he calls us to find the right gate to board the right flight he has prepared for us.

#3 in vision series: "Take Off"


“I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. They will come in and go out, and find pasture." John 10:9


Listen to the voice of Jesus. He may announce a last minute gate change that will get you moving quickly to a new gate that will send you on an journey requiring great trust and obedience in him. Don't be afraid - he will both equip you and empower you with the gifts you need for the journey.


1. Who in your family is most likely to be stopped at airport security screening. Why?

2. What are the keys to a fulfilling life?

3. What spiritual gifts has God given you and how are you using them to serve God's vision in this place?


Check In

9 February, 2020 Pastor Mat von Stanke

For many, the airport Check-in is the most stressful part of the journey. Making sure your bags are not overweight. Ensuring the right tag and right destination are placed on your bags before they head off on the conveyor belt. Knowing what you have to check-in and what you can carry-on. Remembering to remove any prohibited items. Having the right documentation for the destination you are journeying to. All so you can get your Boarding Pass to get on the right plane. Whether we realise it or not, most of us carry excess baggage – it’s not just physical, but emotional, relational and spiritual. Baggage that trips us up, wears us out and boxes us in and makes us anxious about the journey on which we embark. Today Jesus invites us to 'Check in' all of our baggage at the counter of his grace and receive a boarding pass that will lead to places we never imagined. We hope you’re packed and ready to go!

#2 in Series: Take Off (Vision Series)


“Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Acts 2:38


Whatever excess baggage you are carrying around, Jesus invites you to check it through to its final destination. He has already paid for it so you are free to use both hands to receive the love, the life and the blessings he has for you. For Jesus knows that you will love fullest, travel fastest and live lightest when you drop off all your baggage to him.


1. When you travel somewhere, who in your family packs the most and who travels the lightest?

2. What kind of baggage can Christians be accused of carrying around?

3. What excess baggage are you carrying around that you need to check in and let go of?


Planning the Itinerary

2 February, 2020 Pastor Mark Schultz

The Spirit of Adventure lies in each one of us. We may ignore it for a while, we may even suppress it but there comes a time where there is a yearning for something more, where a dreaming about new horizons fills us with a restlessness to take-off of an exciting, unusual or daring adventure. There has always been a sense of adventure in our journey as LifeWay, and God is calling us again to Take-Off on a decade long journey toward the vision he has for us. The vision hasn't changed but the journeys we take together to get there….well they are up to you and your appetite to visit new waypoints, embark on new experiences and embrace new opportunities. So as we prepare to Take-Off on the next leg of our adventure, God invites us to sit down with the best travel agent going around, who has been there, done that and has all the insider tips to guide us it getting to our destination and Planning the Itinerary on a journey that will be life-transforming and eternity shaping for ourselves and others.

#1 in Vision Series: Take Off


Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6


Jesus knows both the vision and destination he has called us to as his people. Let him plan and surprise you with a bespoke discipleship itinerary that takes into account your gifts, your interests, your personality and challenges you in living, sharing and growing in ways that will terrify, surprise, thrill and lead all of us together as one Church on a continuous adventure of grace.


1. What is the most adventurous thing you have done in your life so far?

2. What has been the greatest faith adventure God has led you on?

3. What excites you/scares you most about the vision God has called LifeWay to?
