Nomophobia. Many of us have experienced it. Those who suffer from it are left directionless, flustered and lost. It can cause isolation, disconnection, and anxiety. Nomophobia…the fear of losing your phone! The phone has become so essential for our lives that we are constantly asking 'where is our phone' or others remind us, 'Have you got your phone?' Our phones gives guidance, direction and keep us connected in life. Our phones give us entry to places, give us access to information, pay our way and help us navigate through lots of life's circumstances. But as many of us have experienced….the battery can run out when we most need it, disconnect us from others without warning or take us to destinations that we haven't desired to go.
God has a way of keeping us connected to him and his promises. It's called prayer and today we will look at how that helps us to remain fully engaged with his promise.
#10 in series: "Fully Engaged"
The Fool. In Shakespearean drama, the character of ‘the fool’ comes in many guises, but whatever form they take, whether common peasant or court jester, ‘the fool’ is often the only one in the play who accurately reads the situation and provides sound wisdom and understanding.
Just as the wisdom of this world is foolishness in God’s sight (1Cor 3:19) sometimes the wisdom of God can seem like foolishness to us. In today's reading, God asked Jeremiah to do something that is absolutely crazy and foolish from a worldly perspective. But that is exactly the kind of obedience that God asks of Jeremiah, that’s the type of faith that he desires of his people, that’s a hope that trusts more in the wisdom of God than in the opinion of the popular culture. And that’s what it means to be fully engaged in God’s legacy even when it appears absurd and foolish...That's what we’ll explore today
#9 in series: "Fully Engaged"
Secret sound, it’s that game that almost every radio station has played at one point or another. Play a short clip of an everyday sound, something that people hear all the time but probably never notice or actually listen to and see who can guess what it is.
Sometimes God’s heart is like a secret sound, it’s something he has demonstrated and shows to us on a daily basis and yet for many of us it is often something we fail to recognise. But the beat of God’s heart is no secret, God’s heart beats for his people, for their restoration to a loving and right relationship with himself and with each other. That’s what we’ll rediscover as we explore being fully engaged with God’s heart.
#8 in series: Fully Engaged
Social media gives the ability to curate our own life and our own online communities. We can choose our friends and what we allow them to see. We can choose how deeply we engage or connect with those we follow or who 'follow' us. But that doesn’t often lead to deep and authentic community or connection. We seem more at ease these days holding each other at a distance rather that getting to involved with one anothers business.
Sometimes God puts us in places we don’t want to be among people we’d rather not share life with. But where we are may be exactly where God needs us to be, for not only do we learn to trust him and the future he has promised us, but we might be a part of his plan to bring connection and hope to the cities and places where he has called and placed us. Today, we’ll explore what it means to be fully engaged in community life, with God, right where he has placed us.
#7 in series: Fully Engaged
*** The first couple of minutes of the video are not recorded as the internet went down and we had to restore from another connection. Our apologies.
Between a rock & a hard place…A Catch-22 situation. It's used to describe those times when you have to choose between two equally undesirable outcomes. You sense there’s no-win whichever way you go; and as much as the inspirational calendars want you to believe...making something ‘beautiful’ happen is not always possible.
In those circumstances, discouragement is the rule not the exception. That’s where we find Jeremiah…struggling between discouragement and frustration…fear & disappointment.
Even when we are battling things on all fronts, feel ready to give up, see no good decision, there is One who is with us, whose grace & faithfulness enable us to move into our day obedient to him…as hard, frustrating, or discouraging as it seems. Jeremiah and each of us receive exactly what we need to stay fully engaged…even in the struggle.
#6 in series: Fully Engaged
It's a truth that all teacher's know. Visual aids are critical in the learning process. Complex ideas can often be conveyed easily and effectively with a single image. While the human ear processes up to10,000 bits per second (bps) at maximum bandwidth, the human eye can process up to 7 billion bps. So neurologically speaking, a picture is not just worth a thousand words, but 700,000 words! A visual cue speaks more than we can ever know. That's why God takes Jeremiah on a field trip and uses a visual aid to communicate a truth that needs to be seen to be understood. He wants Jeremiah and us to know that he has the absolute right to shape, form and fashion us into what he desires for his purposes. Whether his people yield to his touch or resist his touch, God remains fully invested, engaged and intentional toward us, and his plans for the world will not be thwarted. Today he invites us to be fully engaged in his sovereignty and says, "it's your move!"
#5 in series: Fully Engaged
Does your heart break for the hurt and pain you see in this city? Do your eyes well up with tears when you see images of a father who dies while trying to save the lives of his children. Or one who dies trying to shield his family from the errant gunfire of an assassin. Do you weep with a mother who is at a loss to help her drug addicted child? Sometimes…our hearts just break…the weight of the world’s brokenness rocks us deep within.
When you know you are powerless to prevent the tragedy…helpless against the unstoppable…defenceless against the inevitable…you are where Jeremiah was. Jeremiah knows with absolute certainty that Jerusalem will fall. Its people will be taken into captivity. He knows by God’s assurance the people of his city are in for pain & heartache, fear & hurt...destruction & exile…Be he also knows God’s broken heart for his broken people will be the key to their restoration & new life… for God himself is fully enegaged in grief for the people of the city he loves
#4 in series: Fully Engaged
'Oh it seems to me…so it seems to be…Sorry seems to be the hardest word' Elton John's 1976 hit song speaks a truth that we know all too well...that the hardest words ever to cross our lips are “I’m sorry. I apologize.”
But you know what’s harder still? To mean it…to turn those words into real change - changed life choices, a new direction, transformed day-to-day behaviour. Harder than uttering the words is the acknowledgement of guilt and the devotion to live and be different moving forward.
To change course, direction, goals and destination for your life is to be fully engaged in repentance. It's a turning back to the life and way that leads to fullness of life in relationship to God and with others. A life that is birthed in forgiveness, restored by grace, rebuilt with love, and renewed in hope. That's a fully engaged life that will have traction and build momentum in this city for the purposes and glory of God. We'll explore that today.
#3 in series: Fully Engaged
Australians seem to love a rebel. Whether it is a bushranger in a tin suit, a group of underdog miners making a stand at the Eureka Stockade, or an underarm delivery to win a game of cricket, these stories, and other like them, seem to capture the Australian imagination. Sometimes rebels are necessary, sometimes we are called to stand against injustice and to rebel against corrupt regimes. Other times a rebel is just someone bucking against the system out of self righteous indignation or selfish ambition. But a Christian is always a rebel, we are either busy rebelling against God, insisting on doing things our way, or we are walking closely with him, which puts us at odds with the world around us. That's what we'll look at more closely as we explore what it means to be fully engaged in rebellion
#2 in the series 'Fully Engaged'