Watch Episode 2 of His Story My Life
Featuring: Yuling
Bible reference: Psalm 121:7 'The Lord will keep you from all harm— he will watch over your life...'
Everyone has a story... full of highs and lows, twists and turns. Your story is not written in isolation. It is part of a larger story in which God is weaving his story in and through your life. In 'His Story My Life' we invite you to hear real testimonies of God's grace and love at work in the lives of people just like you.
"Pressure. Pushing down on me, pressing down on you. Under Pressure!"
It’s a reality we all experience. Constantly. Life is hard, marriages take work, raising kids will test you or break your heart. The weight of expectation on our lives is enormous. Under pressure.
What’s your pressure point? The thing that weighs you down, causes uncomfortable stress, squeezes the life out of you or is close to breaking you? Where do you turn when the pain threshold is reached and the pressure points of life are unbearable?
Join us for a five week series as we open the Bible and discover a God who is more than able, who meets us with a word of grace and hope to relieve the burden and enable us to thrive at every pressure point.
Begins 22 September 2024. Join us in person or watch via livestream on our channel at
LifeWay has the opportunity to partner with ALWS for exciting new refugee settlement program.
LifeWay Wollongong have returned to:
1/8 Kenny Street, Wollongong
We would love you to come and visit. Join us for worship 10.30am each Sunday.