Philippians 4:6

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22 October, 2023




Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  Philippians 4:6


‘I was trying to fix it, but I’m afraid I’ve made a bigger mess of it.  Can you help?’  Holding the starter pull assembly in one hand and an uncoiled spring in the other, a man just down the road from our home, who knew I used to fix lawnmowers, stood at my front door looking for assistance.  As I began to rewind the spring tightly to fit in its plastic holder, we chatted and he started sharing his worries and anxieties about life and his future.  It was ironic that with each wind of the spring, it seemed that the one who was getting more tightly wound up was my neighbour.

Fear has a way of doing that to us. It winds us up.  When we are afraid, our first impulse is to tighten our bodies and shut down our minds. The impulse to tighten can become so deeply ingrained in us that sometimes without even being aware of it, our actions and decisions are motivated by our fear. When we are wound up so tight and we keep our lives at stress point, that one little thing can end up causing our whole lives to unravel and creating an awful mess.

Are your fears winding you up tighter and tighter at this present time?  Do you long to live without worry?  To be free from anxiety?  Do you wonder whether it will ever be possible?  

God never commands that which he doesn’t also empower us to do.  Paul tells us. ‘Do not be anxious about anything.’  Paul gives us a model for letting go when we are so tightly wound up and our life is starting to unravel and become a mess.  Instead of replaying or rehearsing our fears over and over again or allowing them to determine how we live or act, simply give God the content of your worry and invite his word and presence into your fears.  For example, ‘God, I am afraid of being alone, but you have said that you will be with me always.’  

As we claim God’s perfect promises which are built on his steadfast love, we discover the joy of learning to live without fear. 

So what do you think?  Is it worth having a go? Give God your fears or worries today.


Lord God, when I am wound up tightly by my fears, help me to confess my anxiety to you and claim your perfect promises.  Amen.