Matthew 22:8-10

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31 January, 2022



MATTHEW 22:8-10

Then he said to his servants, ‘The wedding feast is ready, but those invited were not worthy. Go therefore to the main roads and invite to the wedding feast as many as you find.’ And those servants went out into the roads and gathered all whom they found, both bad and good. So the wedding hall was filled with guests.


It was one of the most bizarre weddings we had ever been to. It was a small older couple for whom it was the second marriage for both. Everything about the wedding was strange. We waited inside the old stone church for 40 minutes on a 40 degree day with no air conditioning after the bride's car had shown up. The photographer (an artiste - as he called himself) was trying to get the perfect shot. The couple's family sat at the back of the Church, and one of them sniggered right through the service. Then at the reception, the tables were set up in an horseshoe arrangement around the bridal table, and the dirty looks and snide remarks that crossed from side to side between the adult kids of this couple made the occasion a very long and uncomfortable day. This parable in Matthew 22:1-14 is equally bizarre, full of contradictions and inconsistencies that are hard to get our head around. It is about grace, and God's unexpected and surprising invitation to ordinary people on the street that shows us how God's kingdom banquet is extended to and embraced by those once considered outsiders. And just by showing up, they get to enjoy the incredible party. But then there is another twist.

One guest off the street, who does show up, is thrown out for not wearing the right clothes. Bizarre. But maybe, Jesus is saying to's not just about showing up. When you come to God's party, where the kingdom music is playing, you can't just stay seated. You can't just sit in the corner, and fail to party. It's about getting up and moving to the dance floor, and being part of the whole experience of grace. God has put on this spread, this party for all get into the spirit of what God has prepared and party. Those who show up but just sit in the corner, refusing to get up on the dance floor and enjoy themselves are no better than those who refuse to even come to the party in the first place. So I people who have received the gift of salvation, how can you party today and immerse yourself fully in the experience of God's grace? How will that change the way you go about today? What party moves will you break out that bring delight to God and others?


Lord Jesus, thanks for inviting me to your wedding feast. Help me today to be dressed in grace, and to party with you as I fully enjoy the blessings that you have prepared for me, and the people on the dance floor along with me. Amen.