Mark 6:36-37a

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1 February, 2022



MARK 6:36-37A

Send them away to go into the surrounding countryside and villages and buy themselves something to eat.” But he answered them, “You give them something to eat.”


Robert Burns once said, "The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry." We know the truth of that in our own lives...we have lived that truth over the past two years. Holidays plans have been cancelled. Weddings have been postponed. Work schedules have needed to change. Finances and budgets have been rearranged. All of our plans have been interrupted by circumstances and situations outside of our control. We all live in the tension between our plans and interruptions, our expectations and the unexpected, life as we want it be and life as it happens. That's what we see in the reading today. Jesus' plans for rest after a heavy load of ministry are interrupted by the thousands of people who run ahead to meet him and the disciples when the boat gets to the other side of the lake. Rather than get annoyed that his plans have been interrupted, Jesus is present and faithful to those who are before him; to the unexpected and unplanned needs that intersect with his journey. The disciples on the other hand, are annoyed by the interruptions and see the interruptions as being in opposition to their plans.

What about you? What is the movement in the plans and interruptions of your life today? In what ways might Jesus be showing up and calling you in the interruptions that intersect with your plans today? "You feed them", Jesus says to his disciples, to you. And perhaps, Jesus' invitation to be present and involved in the interruptions we face today, to meet the need that is unplanned and respond with compassion to the unexpected, might be the very place we experience the blessing of abundance and nourishment, and discover the miracle of his provision and presence. Like the crowds that day who "all ate and were filled", we too might find fullness as we witness the movement of God in the midst of every day interruptions!


Lord Jesus, grant me the wisdom to see your moving, your plans and purposes in the interruptions I face today and the willingness to be present in the moment that I may be part of your plans to distribute your abundance, your nourishment, your healing, your grace to those who need it. Amen.