Ephesians 2:19-20

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10 January, 2022




not by works, so that no one can boast.  For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.


Grace is a free gift! There is nothing you can do to earn it and nothing so bad that you are not worthy of it. This is a foundational truth of our faith, that we read in Ephesians 2:8-9. Verse 10 also lays out some foundational truths; we are made by God, not an accident, but carefully and lovingly formed and we were created to do good works, which God has already prepared us for. It is important we read verses 9 and 10 together, because this work is not done to earn or buy our salvation, if it was none of us would ever be able to do enough good works!!! At the same time, we are meant to simply wander through life, waiting for Jesus to take us home. God has prepared things for us to do, and they are good and exciting things He has equipped us for. And, by doing these things others might be drawn to their Saviour, Jesus, and receive and experience the incredible weightlessness of His love, forgiveness and grace.


Father God, I thank you for the indescribable gift of grace that comes to me freely through Jesus. I also thank you that you made me and equipped me for every good work you have planned for me. Help me to see the places you want me to be and the work you want me to do. Amen

Today's devotion provided by Elise von Stanke, LifeWay Youth and Family Ministry Co-ordinator.